

Identify Symptoms And Various Diseases of The Skin

Skin Diseases
- There are many types of skin diseases that are often suffered by many people. Usually skin diseases are caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

The skin is the outermost part of the body that receives various exposures so it is easy to experience disturbances. The disorder can also be mild or dangerous which is potentially life-threatening. Here are some of the skin diseases that are susceptible to:

Eczema (Dermatitis) - Eczema skin disease will cause excess itching along with flushed, scaly, and cracked skin. There will also be small bubbles containing water or pus.

Usually eczema occurs in the hands, thigh folds, and ears. The disease is usually caused by allergies due to the absence of chemical stimuli such as detergents, soaps, medicines, or cosmetics. Usually the disease often attacks people who have an allergy.

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Melanoma - Melanoma is one of the most dangerous diseases. Melanoma is a skin cancer that can result in death if left untreated. Melanoma will be at risk when it appears on the neck or scalp. The disease also shows symptoms of inflammation.

Measles (Rubella) - Measles is an infectious disease caused by the virus. Generally the disease often attacks children. The initial symptoms that appear are fever, colds, sneezing, lethargic body, and headache. A brownish-red rash will appear after a few days later. These patches will start from behind the ears, around the head, then into the neck.

Ulcers (Furunkel) - Ulcers are red and can be enlarged caused by a bacterial infection of the aureus stafilokokus on the skin. Ulcers are often found in moist parts of the body, such as thigh folds, buttocks, neck, armpits, and head.

Other factors that are the cause are poor hygiene, infected wounds, weakening of diabetes, and the use of chemicals. Keep yourself and the environment clean, and consume balanced nutrition to avoid ulcers.

Scabies (Skabies) - Scabies are caused by mite parasites that are usually often suffered by people living in slums. In addition, people who do not keep their body clean can also get scabies. Scabies start from itching between the toes, hands, underarm, genitals, waist, and so on. Itching will be felt more and more at night.

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Herpes - herpes usually infects adults frequently. The appearance of an uneven and small-sized rash that eventually blisters. This skin disease will make itching and skin more sensitive. Usually herpes will often appear on moist parts of the skin such as thigh folds, buttocks, or other parts of the body.

Psoriasis - This skin disease is generally characterized by a flushed rash, peeled skin, thickens, feels dry, and scaly. At the top of the red patches are thin scales attached to layers. When scratched, the scales may fall out.

The causes of psoriasis are stress, trauma, and low calcium levels. Psoriasis can attack all parts of the body, but most often appears on the knees, lower back, elbows, or scalp.

Ringworm - Ringworm is one of the skin diseases that often strikes. Ringworm is caused by a fungus that causes scaly circles with white patches and accompanied by itching. The most common parts of the skin are the nape, neck, and scalp.

ChickenPox - Chickenpox is caused by varicella zoester virus which is said to occur only once in a lifetime. This skin disease is usually common in children with symptoms of itchy rashes throughout the body. There will be pink spots that then contain water. Chickenpox can be contagious through touch, mucus, or saliva from people suffering from chickenpox.

Acne - Acne is a skin disease that usually attacks the skin part of the face. In fact, acne can occur in certain parts due to problems with the skin oil glands. When the skin glands are clogged, this is what makes the onset of acne. Other factors that cause the onset of acne are hormonal changes, stress, and poor hygiene.

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Impetigo - Impetigo is caused by bacteria that cause skin infections. The disease is common in children under 5 years of age. Impetigo causes itchy skin, fluid blisters, and flushed skin.

These are some types of skin diseases that are prone to attack the body. There are skin diseases that can heal by themselves by administering ointment drugs until surgery. Make sure you consult the relevant doctor for appropriate action.

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